Improve the
Customer Experience

Companies who successfully implement a customer experience strategy achieve higher customer satisfaction rates, and increased revenues.
how it works

Differentiate Your Brand
by Investing in Your
Customer Experience


ustomer Experience is defined by the interactions and experiences your customer has with your business throughout the entire customer journey, from first contact to becoming a happy and loyal customer.

It's no surprise that a customer who has a positive experience with a business is more likely to become a repeat and loyal customer. In fact, 58% of customers are willing to pay MORE for a better experience.

Get Help With

  • Discovery, Engagement & Delivery
  • Improving Customer Interactions
  • Empowering Employees Every Step of the Way
  • Creating a Seamless Customer Experience
  • Measuring the Impact of a Customer Experience Strategy
happy customers remain loyal

Optimize the Customer Journey

Focusing on a customer’s journey, and identifying the problems within them, offers new opportunities to create a great customer experience.
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How I Can Help

Develop a Great Customer Experience Strategy:
Create a Clear Customer Experience Vision
Understand Who Your Customers Are
Implement a Quality Framework
Capture Customer Feedback in Real Time
Personallize the Experience

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How It Works

Available In-Person: Portland, Maine
Available Virtually: Across the U.S.
Contract Hours per Month: 6
Minimum Contract: Month-to-Month
Pricing: $250 / hour

Get Started, Today.

Before I can help you grow, I need to understand your business. Take the next step.